Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Spiritual Guide

  Heading up to the full moon, I have noticed in my readings for others that I have been bringing up spiritual guides. We all have one in each life and this is the little voice of wisdom that tells us not to do something or to go for it, why not. 

When I was 13 and first met the Goddess in her all encompassing earth spirit form/feeling, I also met my spiritual guide who has been with me ever since.

  As a trained therapist with a Master's degree in Counseling, I can categorically say that there are things in our pagan experiences that do not fall in the realm of understanding for culture by and large. But we all have that little nudge or voice that we sometimes do and sometimes don't (usually for ill) listen too, this is your spiritual guide. 

  In my experience and through much meditation and research, I have come to believe that these spiritual guides are spirits that we have known in our past lives and they choose to "walk" with us in this life to help us learn the lessons that this life is geared towards. The little ones and the big ones that help our spirits evolve and the general spiritual understanding of the universe of vibrations as a whole. 

   What I mean is, the lessons we are here to learn do not just help our spirits come to a higher understanding each lifetime, but help all of the spirits in general as we share our lessons and understandings at the end of each life when we release these bodies and return to the stream of energy that we all are connected too even when alive. That is where Reiki energy comes from and returns too. Energy cannot be destroyed or created but transmuted by the lessons our spiritual selves absorb. 

So how do you find your spiritual guide? 

The good news is, you don't need to go looking, they are literally with you and have been there since the day you were born. 

If you want to have a more connected relationship with your spiritual guide, this is achievable through meditation, especially guided meditation specifically geared towards that, which I am working on writing out but you can also find it almost anywhere online if you google it.

It is easiest to do this type of work in a natural setting where you are comfortable. I prefer the beach. The sound of the waves constantly rolling onto the beach is one of the most soothing sounds to me. And if I sit in a chair on the beach, close my eyes, and open my third eye while I breath deeply, I can feel my spiritual guide beside me, also sitting and enjoying the beach and my presence. 

What do they look like?
Do they feel male or female or neither/both?
What are they saying?
Do you remember a time when they comforted you?

Spiritual guides are extremely personal to you, specifically to you. Sometimes a reader or medium can talk directly to your spiritual guide. I often feel their presence, and sometimes someone has more than one, though that can sometimes be people who did pass in this life. I don't get words, but I do get impressions from other peoples spiritual guides and that helps to give a relevant and accurate reading when I'm doing a tarot card reading for someone.

What is your experience with your spiritual guide?

Blessed Be!
Talia Ravenspath

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