Life is so strange.
There are up's and there are downs.
There are times when we want to be with people and not be alone.
And there are times when we just want everyone to go away so we can hear ourselves just THINK.
Everyone has issues, everyone has problems. But what can we do to get through ours? It depends on the problem.
For some relationship problems, Morrigan has actually been by my side to give me strength and a little bit of snarkiness with backbone. It helped.
She can also help you open up your sexual side more, to be more daring and open to exploring your sexuality.
Morrigan is a goddess of strength and daring. She challenges you and others around you to be better.
Creative and warm, she will heal you if you let her. Brigid will drown you in a soft light that lets your inner child heal and transform to a more whole person.
The mother goddess, another healing goddess that will unconditionally accept and love you, no matter what. Good to call on when your kids get to be that age (you know the age haha).
Creativity, warrior, laughter, sunshine. This god is great at a party, great to call upon when you need a sense of warrior that is less aggressive and angry that Morrigan can be, though they can come hand in hand. Also a great god to call on when you want inspiration for creation, break through that writers block with Lugh at your shoulder!

Just a few tips from my favorite gods that are whispering to me.
Who are the gods you turn too? Why do you turn to them? What personality traits do you appreciate from them and why? What do you need right now?
Breath and be well!
So mote it be.
Tali Ravenspath
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